Appendix - Error codes for detected textual errors

Error code regular expression Error type Description
AG.? Agreement This word does not agree with the other words around it.
C[^LE] Countability You have used this word in an unusual way.
D[^I] Derivation The form of this word is unusual.
F.|TV Form The form of the word may be wrong in this situation.
I[^D]|DI Inflection The ending of this word is unusual.
L Register This may not be the best word for this kind of writing.
M[^+]? Omission Is something missing here?
\+M.? Omission Is something missing after this word?
M.?\+ Omission Is something missing in front of this word?
R.? Substitution A different word might be better here.
S Spelling Is this the right spelling?
SA American spelling You may have used an American English word here. Make sure not to mix British and American English words.
SX Confusion Is this the right word?
U.? Insertion This word may not be needed.
. Other error There may be a problem here.

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